Thursday 5 December 2013


Curriculum Vitae


Jessica Robles-Guijarro
c/ Salt del moro 2-2A, 46940 valencia (Spain)
+34 696728538 +34 961533098


 Pre-primary education teaching associate professional


18 June 2012 – 16 July 2012 Activity guide sports campus
C.D.J. Manisense, Manises (Spain)
-coaching a junior football team
-Monitor playful activities
-games, swimming, hiking

24 June 2013 – 22 July 2013 Activity guide sports campus
C.D.J. Manisense, Manises (Spain)
-coaching a junior football team
-Monitor playful activities
-games, swimming, hiking

03 September 2010 – Present football team coach
CDJ Manisense, Manises (Spain)
-coaching a football team of children from 8 to 12 years
-teach the technique and tactics of soccer as well as their values (friendship, attitude, fair play ...)

22 October 2013 – Present extracurricular monitor
CDJ Manisense, manises (Spain)
soccer training in a fun and sport through games

20 December 2008 – 07 January 2009
privaty basic, mansies (Spain)
care of the basic needs of the child of a year (food, shower, sleep, play ...)


24 September 2013 – Present Higher Technician in Pre-Primary Education
 EQF level 5
Centre Integrat Públic de Formación Professional Faitanar, Xiquet de quart, 2
 46930 (Spain)

First year:
-“Personal Autonomy and Children’s Health”
-“Cognitive and Motricity Development”
-“Professional Training and Guidance”
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Curriculum Vitae Jessica Robles-Guijarro
- “Expression and Communication”
-“Children’s Games and Their Methodology”

Second year:

-“Socio affective Development”
-“Social Skills”
-“Family Interventions and Attention to Children Exposed to Social Risk”
-“Project on Child Care”
-“First Aid”
-“Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative”
-“On the Job Training”


Mother tongue(s)

Spanish, Catalan/Valencian

Other language(s)

English A2 B1 B1
Trinity diploma of english. B1

Communication skills

 -Excellent interaction skill with children gained through my experience as football coach.
-Good communication skill gained with my experience as waiter.
-Excellent interaction skill with children gained through my experience as activity guide.
-Good communication skill gained with my experience as deil with customers.
-Excellent interaction skill gained throgh my experience as baby sitter.
-Good communication skill gained with my expericence as disable guide.

Organisational / managerial skills

I can lead a group of 20 children training for soccer
I can organize a campus activities
I organize a training campus soccer
I am good season workouts prepare for a soccer team
I can take the organization in preparation for a party
I am good at organizing eveything to prepare food.

Job-related skills

I have been an amateur soccer player for 17 years
I have a vocational training of sports and fisic activities
I fave been coach of children's team of soccer 4 years
I have a diploma of activityguide
I can do cragts (origami, cook, knif, pictures..)
I have a course of first aid with the vocational training of sports
In the diploma of sports,
 I had been practise a swimming and all sports
I have a diploma of life-guard

Computer skills 

I am an expert blogdesigner
I am a user of office suit especially word and powerpoit
I am a user of photoshop
I am a keen user of social network
I am a user of dropbox

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