Wednesday 11 February 2015



NARRATOR: Once upon a time there were three little pigs.
PIG 1: You look friendly.
PIG 2: Hello!
PIG 3: I hope you like our story!
PIG 1: Welcome!
PIG 2: Do you like my plant?
PIG 3: Are you ready?
NARRATOR: The time came for the little pigs to leave their home and make their way in the world.
MOTHER  PIG : Goodbye my little ones. Be happy, but beware of the big bad wolf!
PIG 1: Can’t we just stay?
PIG 2: I just don’t feel like going.
PIG 3: Wow, what fun!
FATHER PIG: It’ll be nice to get a bit of peace and quiet.
PIG 2: But I’ve just finished decorating my room.
WOLF: Shh! Don’t tell them I’m here.
NARRATOR: The three little pigs went on their way.
PIG 2: I’m getting all dirty.
PIG 3: This is exciting!
PIG 1:-I wish we could have a rest.
           -How much farther?
           -I’m tired already.
           -I whis we could have a rest.
NARRATOR: The first little pig son found a piece of land and he quickly built himself a house made of Straw.
PIG 1: -Ouh! This is easy…
            -Ouh! I hope I don’t have hay fever…
            -Ouh! All done! Looks fine to me.
NARRATOR: The second little pig found a piece of land and she built herself a house made of sticks.
PIG 2: -Ouh! That’s a good start…
            -Ouh! Lalalala, I’ll have this ready soon…
            -Ouh! That’ll do!
            -What a pretty house I have!
            -Ouh! That’ll do!
            -Maybe I’ll have a party.
NARRATOR: The third little pig decided to build a house made of bricks. He worked hard and his house took a long time to build.
PIG 3: Ooof! These bricks are really heavy!...
RABBIT: How do you do?
PIG 3: -Ouh! I’m going to need some more cement...It’s my stay..
            -Ouh! that was hard work, but isn’t a great house!...
NARRATOR: The three little pigs lived happily in their three little houses…
PIG 2: I could  dance all day.
PIG 1: Phew, I’m tired.
PIG 3: Now where have I put my hammer?
NARRATOR: Until a big bad wolf arrived in the neighbourhood.
RABBIT: A Wolf in a van. Oh no! I´m scared.
WOLF: I wonder where I should stop for lunch?
NARRATOR: The wolf knocked at the door of the first little pig.
WOLF: Little pig,little pig, may I come in?
PIG 1: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!
WOLF: Then i´ll huff and i´ll puff and i´ll blow your house down.
NARRATOR: So the wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down.

NARRATOR: And the little pig ran squealing to his sister´s house with the wolf racing after him.
PIG 1: I’m puffed
WOLF: I am getting very hungry
NARRATOR: The wolf knocked at the door of the second little pig
WOLF: Little pig, little pig, may I come in?
PIG 2: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!
WOLF: Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
NARRATOR: So the wolf huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down.
PIG 2: After all that work!
PIG 1: What can we do now?

NARRATOR: And the little pigs ran squealing to their brother’s house with the wolf racing after them.
PIG 1: He’s getting closer!
WOLF: I’m looking forward to my lunch!
NARRATOR: The wolf knocked at the door of the third little pig.
WOLF: Little pig, little pig, may I come in?
PIG 3: Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!
WOLF: Them I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.
NARRATOR: So the wolf huffed and puffed, and the huffed and he puffed, but the brick house didn’t fall down.
PIG 1: I’m scared!
NARRATOR: The wolf was angry and he was HUNGRY.
PIG 2: Now what do we do?
NARRATOR:  He climbed up onto the roof and squashed himself into the chimney.
WOLF: I am really hungry now!
PIG 1: Listen to his big feet.
PIG 2 : He’s getting higher
WOLF: I’ll eat all three of you!
SPIDER : Hi everyone.
WOLF: I’ll get you little pigs.
             I’ll eat all three of you!
NARRATOR: When the third little pig heard the wolf’s big geet on the roof, he boiled a big put of water.
PIG 3:  Let’s get this water nice and hot.
PIG 1:  Are you sure this will work?
PIG 2: Careful! That’s hot.

NARRATOR: Just as the wolf was sliding down into the fireplace, the little pig pulled the lid off the pot. In dropped the wolf.

PIG 3: That’s taught him a lesson
PIG 2: Poor old wolfy.
PIG 1: That Wolf didn’t scare me.
PIG 3: Take that! Ha ha ha!
NARRATOR: He burned his bottom very badly and ran howling down the road.
WOLF: I’ll be back!
NARRATOR: And the three Little pigs lived happily ever after.
PIG 1: Pass the ball to me.
PIG 3: I’ll make lunch in five minutes.
RABBIT: I wonder if they’ll let me stay here with them.
PIG 2: This is fun.

PIG 1: I’m ready for another nap.

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